Ето една примерна разработка по темата Clothes за курса по разговорен английски след ниво А2:

Полезни линкове с лексика по темата “Дрехи”

Картинен речник

Друг картинен речник по категории дрехи

Речник за теглене

I. Въпроси за дискусията:

  1. What clothes do you like wearing?
  2. What clothes do you dislike?// The piece of clothing you’ll never wear is…
  3. Are you dependent on any brands when buying clothes? Which?
  4. Which of the so – called 3 Ps do you consider most important when buying a product – product, price, promotion and place?

–          Do you often go shopping on discounts

–          Can an advertisement put you forward into buying a piece of clothing

–          Does quality or quantity matter more as regards the clothes in your wardrobe

5. What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you have ever bought?

6. How much money do you spend on clothes?

7. Do only clothes make appearance?

8. Do you fancy men wearing kilts or shirts in pink or similar colours? What about women wearing only trousers or jeans and no skirt or dresses?

9. Have you ever shopped online? What makes people do so? How is it better than normal shopping?

10. Research shows men are more active than women buying online? Why?

11. How do you tell apart the fake from the original? Does it matter to you at all?

12. Do you consider Bulgarians conservative or not as regards fashion and more original colour combinations, for example?

13. What’s the most usual look of a Bulgarian girl/boy?

II. Коментиране и оценяване на различни твърдения:

In today’s liberated society the elegance of the 1990s would look ridiculous.

Advertising and designer labels have become a key influence on fashion.

Computer-aided design has changed the look of cars from dated models to modern, stylish and more efficient designs.

Курсистите са изправени пред предизвикателството да се съгласят или да опонират на дадените мнения, привеждайки доказателства в защита на тезата си.

III. Коментиране и анализ на статия

Обучаемите имат задачата да изчетат дадена статия вкъщи, след което да изразят виждането си по дискутирания в нея въпрос, като същевременно удачно анализират различните твърдения там.

Модни списания:




Автор: Тереза Николова

Разговорен английски: Clothes
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